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Followed by the different versions of false news peddled by the Nigerian media and most regrettably, respected individuals, to narrate the very unfortunate incident that happened at St Philips Catholic Church, Amakwa Ozubulu, Biafra Writers, in our culture has dug out the details of this event and how it deteriorated to the August 6 massacr...

Rape: Causes And Reasons Why Rape Will Persist In Nigeria

It's summer in Canada, and the weather is freaking hot. Beautiful girls walking around almost naked.... and very freely. If I decide to leave my house now with just my pant and bra, no one would rape me. And if they do, no one would give them a listening ear when they chant "seduction and indecent dressing". Their lives are as good as ruined forever. No one will blame me, and no one will ask me stupid questions about what I'm wearin...

How To Overcome Rape - 5 Brutal Steps You Must Take As A Lady

Over the week, there's been a lot of articles flying over the internet, social media about Rape. Amongst all, I found this one particular post on 5 Steps To Prevent Being Raped by a rapist. It is a post I've culled from the wall of a popular Nigerian Lady "Patience Ekonyohe Daniel Odoh...

The Fate Of WomenFolk In my Country

I am here as a soldier who has temporarily left the field of battle in order to explain - it seems strange it should have to be explained - what a stand against rape or domestic violence is like when it affects the womenfol...


By Okwadike, Dr Chukwuemeka Ezeife CON. Fellow Nigerians, all true friends of Nigeria, and all those who wish Africa and all blacks well, ladies, gentlemen, and Nigerian youths - male and female - there is one truth, a truth which cannot be honestly doubted, controverted or wished away: every serious thinking Nigerian, even with minimum sincerity, knows this bothersome truth: that our dear country, Nigeria, the largest concentration of blacks...