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Biafra At The Expense Of What, At The Detriment Of Who, For What Benefit?

....In order words what you're saying is that a day is coming when I'd want to gaan see my sister in Ijebu, but I won't be able to go as easily as I'd want to because I'll have to fez prepare an ECOWAS Passport, get a plane ticket or Find one of the intercontinental Transport companies like "ABC Transport" before I'll be able to see my sister who married while we were...

Short Stories: The Consequences Of Mark's Infidelity

I remember that time when Salome caught Mark on top woman. It was not a small sometin that day ooo. My brothers and sister, Amanda was mad, Amanda's skin turned red, as red as my teacher's red pen. She wanted to co front mark but as usual,it would be the same story and if care is not taken, she go chop igbati join self. Na so Amanda silently walked out of the house and went back to hers, Mark was deeply engrossed in satisfying his desires, so...

Short Stories: Chronicles Of DNA 4 ( Final Episode)

.....Dear Mr Mark, this is the lab man, please I'm sorry we'll have to meet up, there is something you'll have to know. Please its very very urgent. Is it possible we meet right now? The scientist Urged! Mark grabbed what's left of himself and unto his Tundra, he left to the doctor's Lab. "Mr Mark I'm very happy you're able to meet up as we spoke over the phone. You...

2 Little Lambs: A Word For Lovers

2 wounded hearts somewhere somehow have met, more will meet today and some would tomorrow, when they met, all their hurts, all their pains, everything they've ever been through became like the wind for the comfort they found in themselves was enough to take it all awa...

Short Stories: Chronicles Of DNA Ep 3

.....mark really never wanted to let go of his boy, he loved him even though his latest discovery tends to push this love away. He kept it away from everyone even in his family. How would he tell his own dad and mum, Tolu's grannies that Tolu is not his biological so...

Short Stories: Chronicles Of DNA Ep 2

....the test results showed that Mark and Tolu were a total Mismatch. In other words, there is no match for their DNAs. Mark was broken. His fears have finally caught up with him. His world is finally crumbled and his only heir, the boy he'd been so proud of has finally turned out to be another Man's Chil...

Short Storied: Chronicles Of DNA Ep1

Secretly tiptoing to the Boy's room, Mark successfully took out a strand if hair from his young and only child, he secured it just like you'll hold am egg. Raw egg of course. The next day, he called up the Lab scientist and submitted both samples and headed hom...